Spazio Berlendis

Rincontrarsi a Venezia

Francesco Candeloro, Maurizio Donzelli, Maurizio Pellegrin, Fabrizio Plessi, Ferdinando Scianna, João Vilhena, Francesca Woodman, Toots Zynsky

One of Vinicius de Moraes’ songs says that “life is the art of meeting”. It is also through art, and with art, that we can meet up again with our origin, beauty, different cultures, and our humanity.
Venice is the ideal meeting place, a City that appears to separate with its calli and its canals but that in fact has always gracefully united all the Mediterranean, all the lovers, all the artists. Concurrently with the Architecture Biennial and celebrations for the 1600 years of the founding of the city of Venice, Spazio Berlandis, after careful restoration, is being inaugurated.

This space, the premises of this “meeting”, has a noble tradition: that of work. In the former carpentry of the Fassi Boatyard, one of the oldest in Venice, boats were built, the activity that has always vivified the City, and it has now become a place for culture, for art, for producing ideas, almost as an act of love for the city itself.

This project, in the particular historic moment we are undergoing, aspires to offer the opportunity to be in harmony with others, with our fears and our hopes, calling upon art, its strength, its emotion, its beauty.
The plurality of artistic expressions (painting, sculpture, photography, drawing, installation) also encompasses the complexity of reality. A plurality explored by the show, with the hope that it can help us think about the beauty of comparison and the challenges of our present time.

Our guides in this experience will be eight artists, prominent on the international scene, coming from different cultures and using various means of expression: Francesco Candeloro, Maurizio Donzelli, Maurizio Pellegrin, Fabrizio Plessi, Ferdinando Scianna, João Vilhena, Francesca Woodman, Toots Zynsky.

The Spazio Berlendis curators, Emanuela Fadalti and Matilde Cadenti, are happy to be able to rely on the collaboration of eight Venetian galleries (Alberta Pane, Beatrice Burati Anderson Art Space & Gallery, Caterina Tognon, La Galleria di Dorothea Van der Koelen, Ikona, Marignana Arte, Galleria Michela Rizzo, Victoria Miro), that will take part in the project presenting the work of one of their artists.

The exhibition features an essay by philosopher Jonathan Molinari. Until July 17th

Spazio Berlendis
Cannaregio 6301, Venice