Back 2 New York
A short essay by Izzaldin
Photography by Spencer Ostrander
Izzaldin is set to present “Futura in Retrograde” the third solo effort from the New York/Paris based artist this month. In correspondence with the 3rd single “B2NY” he detailed for Grey a short essay giving insight to the emotional scale of a return to New York after living abroad for two years.
Find the link to the video here: “B2NY”

The sidewalks were still coated with a layer of grease, a residue left behind from the early morning waste collection. The New York streets at 4:30 am appeared as a wasteland where rats and roaches feel free to traverse the streets due to the relative inactivity at this hour. The jet lag motivated me to take a walk and reconnect with my surroundings after two years abroad in Paris, where the concept of time was imagined at a much slower pace. I felt a wide range of emotions….the comfort with the sense of familiarity….the apprehension of reinserting myself into the capitalist mentality….and the self confidence of knowing that I had redefined myself artistically in my absence. New York is a different animal which cannot be tamed, thus you must approach it with caution like a beast in the wild. If you are fearful in your pursuits you will be like the prey waiting for your eminent demise, but if you approach with respect and confidence the animal may reciprocate the honor.

The frustration in the air is palpable and heavy as the humidity trapped underground as the morning commuters wait on the platform for the train to arrive. The subway is an intersection of society where we are forced to be in close quarters with individuals from every segment of the beast. Due to the opioid epidemic and the disenfranchisement of people who were already living on the fringes, New York was reminiscent of the 80’s. I felt as if there was a collective recognition that this reality was anything but normal. The most content creature would be the rat as it is seemingly unfazed unpredictability of the day. The rat is the true King of New York because it has found a way to exist and flourish within the confines of this ecosystem. Humans on the other hand are force to adapt to the ever changing landscape of New York, which many find it exhausting to maintain. The question is posed as to why we continue to exist in this realm where we are constantly bombarded with the concept of survival. The answer is simple…New York City is the best fucking city in the world. Despite the beauty of Paris, it is seemingly impossible to change your fate in a days time. Anything and everything is possible in New York and it is my belief that this concept is what keeps the energy flow constant in the city. The interaction and exchange amongst the people is the true value of the blood, sweat, and tears shed on the pavement of this concrete jungle. We are all travelers and whether you are coming, going, or returning…..New York will continue to bless you as you traverse the globe….and this is the evidence.