Paeno’s curve

by Ersi Sotiropoulos
photography Daniel Area Wakahisa
Issue IX

Peano’s Curve

the name of a poem is born somewhat differently
Peano’s curve may not be
said he
he ate almond cakes in Lamia
Turkish delights in Syros
chartered a sailboat for five hundred flat
to tour Athos
in Syntagma Square ate heat-melted ice cream
saw no difference
in the month of November several boys
from mountainous
had to walk
barefoot ten kilometres to go to school
in a village in Epirus they offered him ouzo and
sour cream pie
again he thought Peano’s curve had no place here
a young shepherd near Agrinio wanted
to slaughter a pig
and insisting even on offering it whole to him
in the meantime the Athens University professors
suspended their courses as a sign of protest
green grocery prices were climbing up
mention all the other stuff
bus fares eggs bandages and so forth
this winter drags he thought crossing
the Corinth Canal
there was snow in Thessaloniki
wolves were coming down into Megara
but this is all a terrible
misunderstanding of the Dionysian spirit
he exclaimed over Eleusis.


Η καµπύλη του Πεάνο

το όνοµα ενός ποιήµατος γεννιέται κάπως αλλιώς
η καµπύλη του Πεάνο δεν µπορεί να είναι
έφαγε κουραµπιέδες στη Λαµία
λουκούµια στη Σύρο
µε πέντε κατοστάρικα νοίκιασε ένα καίκι για το γύρο
του Άθω
στο Σύνταγµα έφαγε παγωτό λυωµένο από τη ζέστη
δε βρήκε καµµιά διαφορά
το Νοέµβρη αρκετά αγόρια από την ορεινή
Αρκαδία έπρεπε να περπατήσουν ξυπόλητα δέκα
χιλιόµετρα δρόµο για να πάνε σχολείο
σ’ ένα χωριό της Ηπείρου τού πρόσφεραν ούζο και
πάλι σκέφτηκε η καµπύλη του Πεάνο δεν έχει καµµιά
σχέση εδώ
κοντά στο Αγρίνιο ένας νεαρός βοσκός θέλησε να σφάξει
ένα γουρούνι
κι επέµενε µάλιστα να του το χαρίσει ολόκληρο
εν τω µεταξύ στην Αθήνα οι καθηγητές των Πανεπιστηµίων απείχαν των
µαθηµάτων σε ένδειξη διαµαρτυρίας
οι τιµές των λαχανικών ανέβαιναν συνεχώς για να µη
µιλήσουµε για
τα υπόλοιπα εισιτήρια αυγά επιδέσµους και άλλα
αυτός ο χειµώνας παραείναι βαρύς σκέφτηκε
διασχίζοντας τον ισθµό
της Κορίνθου
στη Θεσσαλονίκη είχε χιονίσει
στα Μέγαρα κατέβαιναν λύκοι
µα εδώ πρόκειται για φοβερή παρανόηση του
Διονυσιακού πνεύµατος
ξεφώνισε κοντά στην Ελευσίνα.

I have been to the sea in winter.
Seagulls honked and shat their white droppings,
and a woman’s body, drifting along the sea for three days,
was hauled in by the Coast Guard patrol boat.
Her womb was open to the sea.
(The sea was polluted)
Her open womb poured out pale and sick children
all in a daze from the trembling sea’s sunlight.
A slippery empty rind,
the dead woman floated like a piece of vinyl.
Riding on the foaming wave,
the children scattered into the five seas and six continents.
The children who have scattered into every corner of the world
will build a sturdy cobweb at Pietermaritzburg or Odendaalrust
in South Africa, lay their eggs inside the earth
of the Philippine jungles and spread syphilis or deliver still born babies
under Berlin’s cover of darkness, or at the Orsan or Haussmann Street in Paris.
They might start a revolution in the long, tedious night—
a revolution that’s destined to fail.
I have been to the sea in winter.
(The sea was polluted).


Come the hushed sound of a poling boat
over the deep night’s sky.
Death aims at me
from the invisible sky.
Young dreams hide in the grassy thicket.
Leaves of grass sway all at once
and ooze sticky sap.
Stars begin to drip a white, cooled sweat.
Ping! Death fires at me
and fragments of matter flood my ears.
A dark mouth flutters for a while.
Look! The moon, red as crow meat,
shakes the sky.

Daniel Area Wakahisa, Ersi Sotiropoulos, Issue IX, Poetry
Ian Jones: 1983 – 2015
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